
The ESSC – Commerce aims at producing consistent, structured and reliable sectoral intelligence in the field of Employment and Training. In this framework, surveys and analytical works, addressing critical related-commerce issues, have being carried out and gathered in a series of accurate reports drawn by the Council.

Report 2014
Report 2012
Annual Report 2014

Over the first year of activities, the ESSC partners produced three reports on:

  • The employment situation of the sector, including forecasts and trends
  • The evolution of the sector's occupations, and the associated skills
  • Innovative tools, national and regional strategies, initiatives, methods to monitor skills needs and address skill mismatch and gaps.

They represented the basis for a series of recommendations established by the ESSC Partners to all sector stakeholders for future activities. They are:

  1. Ensuring that ESSC Commerce has a medium- to long-term stability to build up commitment and expertise to tackle issues such as skills anticipation and labour shortages and also skills development.
  2. Ensuring that a stable cooperation between ESSC Commerce and affiliated members of the European Social Partners enables national social partners to develop sustainable employment opportunities and the skills that the commerce sector will require in the future.
  3. Ensuring that the European Commission supports the work of ESSC Commerce and that the relevant Directorates-General associate it in their own initiatives relating to skills anticipation and development, notably via the European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) and the EU Skills Panorama, and to sectoral qualifications, via the European Qualifications Framework
  4. Ensuring that ESSC Commerce expands its membership, reaches out to new stakeholders and contributes directly to the European networking of national observatories/industry skills partnerships
  5. Ensuring that ESSC Commerce develops a wide communication and dissemination strategy to facilitate information exchange of good practice in terms of skills anticipation and development
  6. Ensuring that ESSC Commerce provides support for the harmonisation of methodologies for employment forecasting among its members, to provide a common data framework which will provide a solid basis for planning its activities and monitoring the results of the projects it undertakes
  7. Ensuring that ESSC Commerce undertakes regular applied research activities to monitor labour market developments in the commerce sector, in particular skills needs, so that policy makers, social partners and businesses, particularly small and medium-size enterprises, are in a better position to plan for the future and support the development of emerging occupations
  8. Ensuring that ESSC Commerce undertakes regular applied research activities to examine national qualifications in the commerce sector, with a view to establishing a model of excellence for sectoral training, notably core qualifications and a bottom-up common framework, to facilitate labour mobility throughout Europe
  9. Ensuring that ESSC Commerce has the appropriate financial and human resources to carry out this work.

New Technologies on Skills & Occupation", looks at the impact of change on the future demands for skills. The report makes a reflection on the development of skills and expertise in the commerce sector in Europe by discussing in particular the main drivers of change and the impact of new information and communication technologies.

The aim was therefore to look at future jobs and skills by understanding the changes that marked and caused developments in the ecosystem of commerce as well as the impacts on employment, occupations and skills. The approach is a comparative and Community one carried out on the basis of in-depth interviews in several European countries.

The report concludes that:

  • The analysis of the drivers of change and more specifically the impact of new information and communications technologies shall not to be overestimated;
  • The need, on the one hand, to balance the supply and demand for skills, and on the other hand to secure career paths for people, requires a treatment of these issues in advance, that is to say, in time, using structures that encourage a prospective analysis of jobs and skills. Employment Observatories or similar organizations established in EU Member States meet this need.
  • Interviews with these observatories have nevertheless shown their fragility as some are subject to austerity measures in a crisis situation, and are driven either to disappear or to be reorganised.
  • The analysis of practical training and skill certifications in the commerce sector shows that the company is the most appropriate level to receive qualifications and that the experience gained is a guarantee of authentic "know-how" and "skills"
  • But to appeal to and especially to meet the skills needs of this sector, the negative image of the sector has to be changed. This bad image refers to that of a precarious instability in employment. Although wages are higher in the wholesale sector, the retail sector is often too far away from the individuals to accommodate the steps of jobseekers.

The effective ability of the European institutions to support national initiatives in the anticipation of skills needs in the different sectors in the face of national measures of austerity is crucial. This is even more so as the businesses in this sector are not all on the same footing. While large companies have the means to observe and anticipate job needs, SMEs often lack the means and often need to rely on territorial or sectoral observatories to take strategic decisions. The territorial dimension should not be ignored in this regard in the forward-looking management of skills.

The report is available in both English and French.

© European Skills Council - Commerce, 2014
  This website has been funded with support from the European Commission. It reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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